Hi All! Just wanted to send a special THANKS for all the comments and support as I'm starting down this road! Blogging is a bit scary-a lot exciting and a new experience.... I've gotten some additional ideas of things to share. One of which is what is it like getting started. First off, to fully understand my experience, there are a couple of things you should know about me.
Humor is very important in my life-as I'm always doing something humorous-not necessarily intentionally mind you-it just happens. Ever hear of Murphy's Law? Well, I think I somehow gave Murphy the idea.....for example, I spent a couple of days looking all over the house for my book on Kentucky County Maps- I knew I had one (and I must add that I have spent weeks organizing my books prior to that). I was about ready to give up, walked into what I now call my library and if it had been a snake-it would have bit me! These I call my 'Senior Moments'-mind you I'm just in early 50's and no, I cannot blame it on aging...since I've always been like this:) So, starting into the blogging experience, I went through the templates and put a rough draft together. A friend made a couple of great suggestions and I went to do the editing and couldn't remember how to add things- I knew it had a name-widget, tags, something-I finally had to break down and ask-Gadgets-now who would have thunk it! Anyway-Gadgets are handy and my next project is to add a surname list-don't be surprised at what pops up..... All this to say that I'm not above laughing at myself or having others laugh with me:)
Secondly, I am convinced I suffer from ADGD-Attention Deficit Genealogy Disorder-I can get totally lost in my research and have to quit cause I cannot find my way back! I've been doing this for years-off and on. Since my paternal side probably owns Breathitt, Lee, Owsley and part of Wolfe Counties in Kentucky (with maybe another family or two) this does fully enable this condition. I'm really trying to gain the upper hand on this, but gosh, it is hard when I see all those Jetts in the Deed Indexes! LOL
Monday I was at Libraries and Archives (and yes folks, I know the proper way to do things-but where is the fun in that??????) (BTW-I'm putting in a BIG plug for the book "Kentucky Ancestry A Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research" by Roseann Reinemuth Hogan for anyone doing any research in Kentucky. This is a must have resource!) Anyway, I went to KDLA (Kentucky Department For Libraries and Archives), having disciplined myself to keep the ADGD (Attention Deficit Genealogical Disorder) at bay and only look for Lucas, Jamison, Spencer, and Jett AND keep to direct lines in Owsley and Lee Counties. (I had to compromise and limit rather than eliminate other names/places!) I've done some of the tax record research and was wanting to get into deeds especially for Lucas and Jamison...Now, leave it to my ancestors to choose to live in a county that has had their courthouse records destroyed not once, but twice! Got frustrated when all but tax records only went back to 1929. (Major destruction was done in 1928:). I knew that! All I can say is that it is a good thing I live fairly close to both KDLA and KHS!
I'm planning a trip tomorrow and hope to make some progress....we will see!
I do hope to start sharing more finds/puzzles/records etc, but right now I'm just trying to get into the habit of posting. So please bear with me on these little insights into my mind.....Oh, and I do intend on getting that surname list together...Til next post! Happy Hunting!
Oh my gosh Linda! That ADGD had me rolling! For those of us who have a touch of traditional ADD, ADGD gets amplified! Amen to the book recommendation too....and I just discovered your new blog today - you're doing such a great job! I now have a new blog to read - and I especially like the Kentucky peep blogs :-)