First off, Happy Mother's Day to all Mother's and those who play the role of mother in their everday lives. We fully recognize Mother's but sometimes those who, for whatever reason, have no children-but play a part in children's lives as well as those single parents who play both roles do not feel a part of Mother's Day and they should. To me, a Mother is anyone who exhibits the epitomy of what a mother is all about....So, Happy Mother's Day to All!
Yesterday, I was able to get a genealogy 'fix' as I attended our monthly workshop at KHS. Topic was finding those hard to find women! We can be so elusive. It is interesting to note that genealogical research is is broadening their horizons to provide logical and accurate conclusions. It is not as simple as looking at a Death Certificate and stating this as fact. Conclusions are more strongly supported the more documentation one has to support the conclusion. Most of us know this, but sometimes it just needs to 'click' again and/or I need to be reminded of it. With this thought in mind-I agree with all those funny Facebook posts that talk about 'finishing your research'. Not sure one can ever finish it! And, when you apply the ADGD-you won't ever finish! LOL There's always something more to check, verify, research and chance upon! Yes, don't you love it when a piece of information falls into your lap????? It may not happen often, but it does happen!
The Technology session discussion Social Media and Genealogy. Excellent presentation by Linda McCauley. It made me want to go home and play more with the Google+. Oh, and I discovered that I have already started a Tweet account-just never got beyond the signing in. AND, I broke down and put a picture in profile sections.....I reckon folks would like to put a name with a face-or face with a name....I'm not going to admit how difficult it was to get a picture of myself that I was willing to share......:) So, now I must incorporate play time with more social media to gain a comfort level.....
I realize I've been a little lax on working toward my goals for this blog, but work seemed to get in the way. I'm technically semi-retired but there are times when work goes from a couple days a week to 9 days in a two week period....something about the Kentucky Derby, Oaks Day (which is one of our busiest days and we had over 2000 people visit the Distillery this year! And we are a small distillery!). So, needless to say, been working and collapsing once I get home. Nice to have a little slow down!
When I first started this blog, one goal was to put up records, pictures, information etc. That is still a goal but I'm thinking of using this blog more for my family and maybe starting a blog for data and pics I come across in auctions and or other places that don't really have a home and sometimes no clear identity. I have some newspaper clippings, pictures and old letters. Not all are sourced like I'd like, but somewhere these may be the clue that someone is looking for and may be a puzzle piece that is needed. Just have to figure out a name for this blog.......more on that later.....
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